Strategies to Build Muscle

5 Strategies to Increase Muscle

This article is for those who want to increase and improve the shape of the muscles. Certainly, you wonder why some guys have such a powerful and voluminous muscles, as if inflated pump, whereas we, ordinary mortals, they seem flat and not as bulky.

Perhaps you will not be able to keep up with those who have a genetic predisposition to the development of muscles, for such well-known stars such as 4-time winner of the contest "Arnold Classic" Flex Wheeler, Mr. Olympia Phil Heath, but can significantly increase the volume of their muscles, using techniques offered here.

1. Longer load on the muscles

Duration of load means the amount of time during which the muscles are in a state of stress in the implementation approach.

Is isometric force, eccentric or concentric muscle contraction leads to its voltage. But it is important for muscle growth is no time pressure. We are interested in the effect of prolonged stress caused by clamping blood vessels.

Blood vessels are compressed in contraction of the muscle to complete blockage, thereby limiting blood flow to this muscle. This effect voltage obtained by stepping on a garden hose.

The longer the muscles are under load, the longer the blood flow is limited thereto. But still the heart pumps the blood, and because of the compression of blood vessels around the working muscle tissue accumulates in the blood. After completion of the approach relaxes the muscles and blood flow to the muscle tends.

The longer constricted vessels, the greater the amount of blood flows into the muscle. To feel this process, you can try to do push-ups for 5 seconds and pay attention to how the muscles swell. Then he should rest for two minutes and then do push-ups in 30 seconds, and again feel the blood flows to the muscles.

This process is called congestive super compensation and bodybuilders is known as "pumping" ("Pump"). Rapid inflow of a large blood flow in the muscle increases the blood pressure.

In the movie "Pumping Iron" Arnold said that a good blood flow to the muscles - just an incredible feeling. But more important for you to be that blood flow exerts pressure on the dense, rigid shell muscles - fascia.

The fascia is stretched very difficult, but over time, and she begins to succumb to the pressure that comes from within, and stretch, allowing the muscle that surrounds it, and actually visually increase in volume.

Although this information is scientific, we are interested in results, not a science. According to the experience of most coaches bodybuilding, increased duration of load on the muscles increases their volume. Although, naturally, it does not occur for a short time.


According to the experience of western coaches, great speed in the use of repetition and allows more weight to engage the more muscle fibers.

That is why, instead of using a lighter weight and deliberate slowness of movement, it is better to perform the movement, even concentric quickly, but to choose a weight with which you can make approaches 45 seconds.

When the length of the approach is less than 30 seconds, it will not cause sufficient blood flow to create a good intramuscular pressure. On the other hand, an approach to perform a lasting more than 60 seconds requires a very small weight, which is also not good. Therefore, the optimum time is considered to be 45 seconds.
2. A lot of work

Your body has an incredible ability to adapt. It makes every effort to adapt to any stress and become more prepared to carry out certain tasks. This also applies to high volume training.

The volume of training means the total number of repetitions and approaches. This is the total amount of work that is performed muscles during training. To perform more work needs more energy. Energy for muscle contraction muscle glycogen is provided - reserve carbohydrates stored in muscle tissue.

Let's assume that you want to use the above principle of stretching the fascia. You are doing in the exercise for the chest muscles approaches twelve repetitions. Pectoral muscles to perform ten sets of twelve reps will spend significantly more glycogen than two sets of twelve repetitions. It should be remembered that the cost is only working muscle glycogen.

With sufficient training volume increase, thus, depletion of glycogen in muscle, interesting phenomenon occurs. The body begins to strive to replenish glycogen stores to cope the next time with such loads.

The process of short-term increase in the content of glycogen in muscle glycogen supercompensation call. Muscle can thus temporarily stock up a large volume of glycogen than usual, say, instead of 100% to 120% stores.

With regular repetition of the stimulus, i.e., the systematic depletion of the glycogen body gradually acquires the ability to accumulate an increasing volume of the substance. This means that this pattern can also be used in the long term.

And, despite the fact that we are not so worried about the amount of glycogen in the muscle, as its volume containing more muscle glycogen looks more voluminous and round.

You will not see the changes after the 1-2 high volume workouts, but the result will eventually become noticeable. After 8 weeks of high volume training you may find that muscles become bigger. But there are exceptions to this rule. At a relatively high volume of your training, you will not even notice major changes, because your body is adapted to such pressures. The same applies to the duration of the load on the muscles.


The second reason for the weak effect of this technique may not be to load, and in the diet. With insufficient consumption of carbohydrates, especially after exercise, when increases the body's ability to store glycogen, your body will be no material to fill glycogen muscle.

It should be remembered that the glycogen reserve is simply carbohydrates, fats or proteins are not. Just as the tank is filled with petrol, you need to "fill" your body sufficient amount of carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores. Visit, to know about muscle building and fat removal exercises.

Note implies that at constant accumulating muscle glycogen more it also puts pressure on the fascia that surrounds them, and gradually stretch it.

It must be remembered that the intensity and volume of work to be inversely proportional to each other, it is required to fully recover not only the muscles, but also the nervous system. That is why you should not succumb to the temptation to bring to the failure of each approach high-volume program.
3. Optimization of the duration of breaks between sets

As with the first strategy, optimization of rest time between sets can help to increase blood flow and increase in muscle pressure.

Let's imagine that you are doing a killer approach. Muscles swell as if the skin begins to burst soon. Then you want to relax for three minutes, giving the body time to replenish phosphocreatine in muscle fatigue, removal of lactic acid and hydrogen ions. The following approach to achieve good performance is very useful.

But in order to maintain a high intramuscular pressure, 3 minutes of rest - a lot, since a substantial part of the blood that creates this pressure, during which pours from the muscle.

We should not forget that the fascia consists of a solid, rigid tissue. In a report on a little pressure in a short period of time, it does not stretch. That it is stretched, you need to muscle it has a more sustained pressure.

That is why, to the maximum tensile fascia and increased muscle size, you need to muscle as long as possible remained filled with blood.

This technique has its advantages and disadvantages. If you start too early, the following approach, you do not get to perform it in full force. As previously mentioned, you need some time to remove it from the muscles of the products work and restore the supply of creatine phosphate. This is required to carry out a decent amount of reps.

On the other hand, a very long rest can weaken the pressure that is on the fascia.

In this case, you need to carefully listen to your body. Should pay attention to what swollen from blood flow and muscles become tight after the approach, and try to capture the moment of disappearance of this effect. So you can relax as much time as necessary for optimal stretching the fascia.

It is necessary to observe training diary number of reps performed. If you have done in the first approach, fifteen repetitions, and the following six, it means that you have enough rest.


In observing the sensations in the muscles and comparing the number of repetitions in further approaches can choose the optimum duration of rest between sets.

But if you do not want to bother sometimes own brain, focusing on feelings, you should rest for 45 seconds. 30-60 seconds - is the optimum time to recover between sets. Performing less heavy exercises such as barbell curls, to recover as little as 30 seconds. When you perform a tedious exercise, for example, sit-ups, between the approaches is better to rest for 60 seconds. Naturally, if you are strong enough to perform squats with a minute rest between sets.
4. Stretching the muscle until it is filled with blood

Do stretching exercises are very useful, and at any time. Stretching is one of the most overlooked methods to help improve muscle performance, improve their appearance and to prevent injury.

With the help of stretching can weaken the muscle fascia or compression to keep the muscles in a stretched state as long as possible, it will also help stretch the plantar fascia.

To enhance the tensile pressure on the muscle membrane need to perform stretching when the muscle is still filled with blood. In other words, you must do exercises to stretch the muscles of no more than thirty seconds after the end of a long approach. And you must keep the usual longer able to stretch the muscles. You can stretch for sixty seconds, can be longer.

But because of static stretching exercises may reduce the efficiency of muscles in the future approaches, the need to stretch after the last approach exercises for specific muscle groups.

Stretching muscles is another, no less significant effect. If you hold the position quite strong tension for a long time, it allows you to stimulate the growth of new sarcomeres and lengthening muscles.

If you can lengthen the muscle due to the growth of sarcomeres, it will be visually volume, especially in the state of stress.

This method, as well as any equipment associated with the stretching of the plantar fascia, needs time and persistence to use. Should be recorded in the diary of training that is necessary to stretch after exercise, otherwise you can forget about it. And it should be adjusted to the fact that you will notice changes after a maximum of three months. With enough patience follow this strategy six months you will definitely see results.

5. Isolation lagging muscle

This strategy helps to increase muscle size, not by stretching their shell, but with the help of concentrated loads on the target muscle group.

The whole point is that the training, the muscles subjected to unusual stress to them and then allowing them to adapt. To develop weak muscles need to make sure that these muscles do most of the work. Only in this way can cause these muscles to adapt and evolve.

For example, if the lift rod lying to the development of the pectoral muscles, for whatever reasons, the main work is done triceps, then they will become stronger and bigger.


In such cases, there are several methods to do so as not to triceps and chest muscles do most of the work and took a stimulus to growth. One technique is to pre-exhaustion pectoral muscles isolation exercises before performing the bench press.

For example, you can make breeding hands with dumbbells lying, and then move on to the lift rod. Perhaps you do not like that during the bench press will need to work with light weight. But you can be sure that tired pectoral muscles will perform most of the work. And that they will have to adapt to the load via hypertrophy.

In addition to the pre-exhaustion to perform isolation exercises very useful to increase the lagging muscle.

It is preferable for the overall development do basic exercises such as deadlifts, squats and bench press above. However, if it comes to the development of individual muscles, whereas isolation exercises such as pull straight arms of the upper block, leg extension in the simulator and breeding hands with dumbbells, often more effective.

For the overall development of power isolation exercises are not very good, but they allow you to work out the lagging muscle groups, due to the fact that in such exercises, the entire burden is on the target muscle. If we compare, for example, the leg extension with squats or breeding hands.

If you are performing a basic exercise unwell work individual muscles, then you can first try to do isolation exercises for the same muscle, and then go to the base. Through such a sequence can be pre-bore muscle and activate it in nerve fibers.

For example, if you are not able to experience the work of upper back muscle (the middle part of the rhomboid muscles and trapeze), performing thrust rod to the belt in the slope, then first try to make the climb hand over hand with dumbbells in the slope, and then move on to the rod. You may find that you will feel better functioning of the muscles of the upper back to pull the belt.

And finally,

Let's hope that these recommendations will be useful to you. Just do not forget that the improvement of the body, especially the development of lagging muscle needs time. Therefore it is necessary to be patient and enjoy the training!